Project Selection-My Decision

Project Selection- My Decision: 

    After reviewing the possible choices for my AICE Media Studies project, I have ultimately decided on creating a magazine. What enticed me to do so were the planning aspects and creative control I could have that would not be available with a film project. In a film project I would need to direct actors, create a filming schedule, and eventually deal with any creative conflicts within the group. 

Creating a magazine allows me to make sure that every aspect of my project is up to my own personal standards and live up to my creative vision. I believe that creating a magazine will be more enjoyable than creating a film because I will be able to enjoy all of the individual aspects of film that also apply to magazines.                 

For example, I will get to schedule photo shoots, write articles and edit the cover and photos I decide to include for my final project.
The bottom line is that I'll be able to have creative freedom and absolute control over my project. In conclusion, after thoroughly analyzing my options, I have decided to create a magazine for my AICE Media and Film Studies project.


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