Midterm Submission

Midterm Submission: 

    It was a huge undertaking to create these magazine pages, and I'm glad that my end product came very close to how I imagined it. I put lots of thought into my choice of photos, article topic and the overall layout of the four page spread. First of all, I chose these photos of Camryn and Katherine in my magazine because I liked the chemistry they had in these photos. You can tell that they're very good friends that care about and support one another dearly. I felt that these photos fit the theme of the interview with Camryn, which was about supporting other women and showing them love in a world that likes to frequently bring us down. 
    That leads me to my article topic. I chose to discuss the role of women in society with Camryn because as a woman myself, I love learning about the experiences of others like me because it helps me feel like my struggles aren't my own. It helps me feel like I have sisters out there that can comfort me whenever I'm dealing with something that the rest of us are far too familiar with. I want other women who would potentially read this magazine that they are not alone. 
    The layout of the magazine was tricky to come up with. I found myself constantly tweaking and messing with the layout of the magazine. I took inspiration from magazines like USA Today, InStyle and Marie Claire. I wanted my magazine to feel authentic and stylish. That's why the headings are all in lowercase. I wanted to make the magazine feel authentic and down to earth while presenting real issues that women face. I felt that this made it easier for the reader to connect with rather than having multiple photos of a model in a fancy dress showing off a luxury brand car. 
    Overall, the process of creating my magazine pages was a long yet enjoyable one. I love editing photos and writing articles and I'm excited for the feedback that I'll receive.


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